科学研究費補助金 新学術領域研究「新海洋像:その機能と持続的利用」


国際シンポジウムDeveloping New Ocean Provinces on Their Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems

東京大学本郷キャンパス内小柴ホール (キャンパスマップ

10:00–10:10 Opening Remarks: The new ocean paradigm on tis biogeography and ecosystem Ken Furuya (The University of Tokyo)
10:10–10:50 Decadal variability, impact, and prediction of the Kuroshio Extension system Bo Qiu(University of Hawaii at Manoa)
10:50–11:30 A regional ocean classification to map future ecosystem change Philip Boyd (University of Tasmania)
11:30–11:55 Mesoscale eddies and mode waters characterize new ocean ecological provinces Sachihiko Itoh (The University of Tokyo)
13:00–13:40 Tracking the magnitude and distribution of the ocean carbon sink Douglas Wallace(Dalhousie University)
13:40–14:05 Variability and trend of oceanic CO2 in the western North Pacific subtropical zone Masao Ishii(Meteorological Research Institute)
14:05–14:30 New ocean provinces characterized by island mass effect through nitrogen fixation Takuhei Shiozaki (The University of Tokyo)
14:30–14:55 Geography of biogenic elements in the Pacific Ocean: What form is most important? Hiroaki Saito (The University of Tokyo)
15:15–15:40 Diversity, community structure and functional potential of planktonic bacteria in the Pacific Ocean: insights from the NEOPS transoceanic cruises Koji Hamasaki (The University of Tokyo
15:40–16:05 SST habitat and food change projections for Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the North Pacific and adjacent seas based on CMIP5 climate models Shoshiro Minobe (Hokkaido University)
16:05–16:30 Distribution of oceanic 137Cs from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Daisuke Tsumune (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
16:30–18:00 ポスターセッション
18:30– レセプション
9:00–9:40 Recent advances in the modelling of oceanic higher trophic levels with SEAPODYM Patrick Lehodey (Marine Ecosystem Department, France)
9:40–10:20 Nutrient supply ratios define the biogeography of nitrogen fixation Ben A. Ward(University of Bristol)
10:20–10:45 Biogeochemical classification of the global ocean based on phytoplankton growth limitation Taketo Hashioka (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
11:05–11:30 A sub-polar marginal sea controls oceanic biogeochemical cycles in the North Pacific - West to East dissolved Fe distribution – Jun Nishioka (Hokkaido University)
11:30–11:55 Diversity and biogeography of marine planktonic copepods: Insights from metagenetic community analysis in the Pacific Junya Hirai (National Research Institute of Fisheries Science)
11:55–12:20 Seasonal to decadal variability of sea surface nutrients and DIC in the North Pacific Sayaka Yasunaka (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
13:20–14:00 Community ecological modeling as an alternative approach to physiographic classification for marine conservation planning Emily Rubidge(Institute of Ocean Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans, Canada)
14:00–14:25 Regional structure and functional characteristics of large marine ecosystems in the northwestern Pacific Ocean Takehiro Okuda(National Research Institute of Fisheries Science)
14:25–14:50 Growth, migration and trophic interactions role of neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) in the North Pacific Yoshiki Kato (Tohoku National Research Institute)
15:10–16:50 総合討論
16:50–16:55 ポスター賞表彰
16:55– 閉会の言葉

With compelling evidence for global warming, ocean acidification and other environmental threats, understanding and predicting the responses of ocean biogeochemistry and the ecosystem to environmental changes has become an urgent scientific pursuit. Since the ocean plays a critical role in sustaining human beings by providing a wide range of ecosystem services, ocean governance to maintain and manage these ecosystem services is crucial. However, our knowledge of biodiversity and material cycling in the ocean, which forms the foundation of the ecosystem services, is extremely limited.

The “New Ocean Paradigm on Its Biogeochemistry, Ecosystem and Sustainable Use (NEOPS)” research project aims to advance our understanding of ocean biogeochemistry and ecosystem dynamics in the Pacific Ocean for the sustainable use of ecosystem services, with particular attention to the high seas. The project sets the following three goals: 1) to establish ocean provinces in the Pacific Ocean based on a consistent set of pelagic biomes, 2) to evaluate ecosystem functions in each province, and 3) to propose ocean governance for maintenance and management of ecosystem functions.

This symposium aims to communicate the latest scientific knowledge related to the ocean’s ecological and biogeochemical processes, including recent findings by both NEOPS researchers and others. Building on these foundations, the symposium will provide an opportunity for fostering dialogue and gaining insight into optimal pathways to establishing new ocean provinces for the sustainable use of marine ecosystem services. The symposium will furthermore act as a platform for building or further strengthening collaborative relationships between NEOPS and other scientific programs and individual researchers in order to enhance future cooperation.


