Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas / New Ocean Paradigm on Its Biogeochemistry, Ecosystem and Sustainable Use (NEOPS)

Subproject A04 Governance of Ecosystem Functions

Group A04-1 Policy Analyses for Potential New International Regime for Management of Ocean Ecosystem Services

The objective of this study is to analyze the policy aspects of current practices in managing oceans, including areas beyond national jurisdictions, and to provide plausible options for future management for ecosystem services in international waters. Specific subjects of the study include (1) identification of stakeholder groups such as key user groups, polluters, and benefit providers of each ecosystem service in the Pacific region, (2) evaluation of the cost-sharing mechanisms among each stakeholder group, and (3) assessment of the factors contributing to successful decision making among various stakeholders, which often have conflicting interests, in the existing international organizations related to oceans. The result of the analyses will be compiled, and plausible options will be discussed toward the establishment of a future international framework for managing the ecosystem service. In this process, the data obtained from other study groups will be fully utilized. The interim results of this study will be shared with other study groups, so that they can update knowledge on the international needs of further scientific research. The final outcome of the study includes not only policy recommendations for relevant governments and international government organizations (IGOs) on the appropriate design but also steps toward the establishment of a new international regime for the conservation and management of ocean ecosystem services.

Group A04-2 Exploring Maritime Governance Mechanisms Informed by Maritime Science

The NEOPS (New Ocean Paradigm on Its Biogeochemistry, Ecosystem and Sustainable Use) project includes multiple disciplines of natural science of maritime issues, and the A04-2 subproject focuses on the linkage between varieties of maritime governance and maritime science. The focus of our group is facilitating meaningful interaction between scientific research and maritime governance, instead of linking the outcome of scientific research unilaterally to international law and domestic policy. First, we will identify international and domestic maritime governance systems with close linkage to maritime science by using comparative approaches. For example, the role of science in the management resulting from the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships (MARPOL Convention) and the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf are examined. Second, we will review a wide variety of governance systems, including those not limited to maritime issues and those embedded with meaningful interaction with natural science. Third, we will explore ways of developing an appropriate maritime governance by integrating the philosophies of science, technology, and society studies as well as by using role play simulations.

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