Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas / New Ocean Paradigm on Its Biogeochemistry, Ecosystem and Sustainable Use (NEOPS)

Subproject A02 Material Cycling

Elucidation of Key Processes of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in the Ocean

Leader Hiroshi Ogawa Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo
Ken Furuya Professor, The University of Tokyo
Kazutaka Takahashi Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo

Studies on new mechanisms regulating marine biological production

Leader Shigenobu Takeda Professor, Nagasaki University
Mitsuhide Sato Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo
Rumi Naoe Graduate Student, Nagasaki University
Yohei Wakuta Graduate Student, Nagasaki University

Long-term change study on biogeochemical cycle and marine ecosystem

Leader Sanae Chiba Team Leader, JAMSTEC
Mitsuhiro Toratani Professor, Tokai University
Tsuneo Ono Laboratory Head, Fisheries Research Agency
Cooeprative Researcher Makio Honda Team Leader, JAMSTEC
Cooeprative Researcher Yukihiro Nojiri Principal Investigator, Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Project Researcher Project Researcher, JAMSTEC

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